Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, Oct. 21

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. Wow, it was cold this morning. I'm just not ready for winter! I'm not fond of mornings like this one, when I can see my breath, when the van steering wheel is icy to the touch, and when the ground is covered in frost.

When I arrived at the gym, there were only two others there. We began to wonder if anyone else would attend the session, but we went on up to the pool. Today was the first time I've been the first one in the pool (other than a lap swimmer, who was at the end of her session).

The water was wonderfully warm, thank goodness. I fully expected it to be cool after the other two members said it was chilly on Wednesday. Eventually, other members began arriving, and finally we had around fifteen for the session.

Our regular leader has been out of pocket all week, suffering severe sinus problems. Today, we were led by another member. She's okay, but I prefer the familiar routine of the regular leader.

Today, I learned from one of the members that a local restaurant...located a couple of miles from our house...has been shut down for non payment of an electric bill. The restaurant owners had recently changed the name of the eatery, because they lost their franchise due to unsanitary kitchen conditions.

I have never liked this restaurant, and only patronized it when organizations I belong to held lunch events there. It's one of the few places in town that has a meeting room.

Back home after aerobics, I warmed up with a couple of cups of coffee, and then got ready for the day. Then I accompanied Mother to our house.

We didn't do anything productive for the rest of the morning. After lunch, we watched Monday and Tuesday night's episodes of "Dancing with the Stars."

Around 1:30, Hubbie ran a couple of errands, and then went to the Extension Services office to sort bulbs for a sale the Master Gardeners will conduct tomorrow morning.

Later, Mother cut up onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms to saute for egg substitute Ziplock bag omelets for supper. I put together the omelets, and then peeled and sliced potatoes to saute with onions in olive oil. We had the omelets and potatoes with a choice of blueberry or applesauce muffins.

I accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then Hubbie and I watched TV for the rest of the evening.