Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday, March 20

First day of spring! Yay!

We were up around 7:30, but I skipped my exercises after breakfast, so I could complete preparations for a scrapbook club meeting this afternoon.

While I was preparing a fruit plate, I asked Hubbie where he had put the grapes. Grapes? What grapes? He hadn't picked up any grapes. Hm-m-m, I was sure I'd put it on the list yesterday, along with fresh pineapple (on sale for 99 cents), and fresh strawberries. But he said I did not put them on the list, but he'd go to the store and get some. Which he did.

While he was out, he picked up a small container of chicken salad for our lunch. We ate a little early, around 11:30. Just after 12:30, the ladies arrived.

We had a good session, with each of us completing several scrapbook pages. Mother and I did five pages featuring a new great-grandson. I also used some punches that one of the ladies brought to make borders on notecards.

The punches are a set in a case, with a main tool that the punches are placed into. The tool makes it easier to operate the punches. The lady who brought the punches insisted on leaving it for me to use for a while.

We discussed what we want to do next month, and decided another field trip is in order. Weather and health permitting, we will go to a town about an hour away to shop at a huge flea market, and then have lunch.

Around 2 p.m., I served the fruit, with coffee for three of us, and water for one lady. We all enjoyed the fruit, especially the pineapple.

While we worked, Hubbie watched the NCAA games on TV. Several of our brackets choices went down in flames. Oh, well, it was fun trying.

The ladies stayed around until 3:30, even though the meeting time ended at 3 p.m. We aren't on any real schedule, though, so it doesn't matter how long we visit.

During the meeting, the library called to say a movie DVD we had on hold had come in, so later Hubbie went to pick it up. It's the second season of "Bones." While he was at the library, he also picked up season three of the series.

Meanwhile, I heated leftover New England stew for our supper, which we had with slices of rye bread...same song, third verse, and there's another verse left.

Mother was ready to go home after supper, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then we watched TV for the evening.


Note: one of my photos of the young man who is riding through 48 states for charity is featured in tonight's local newspaper. It is the one taken from the platform of the group heading out on the trail. It fits nicely with the other photos of the event. And I was credited with the shot. Often, when folks submit photos that are published, they are listed simply as "photo submitted."