Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12

Woke up at 6:30 to a thunderstorm, so I snuggled back into our comfy bed thinking that water aerobics was out. I don't do swimming pools in thunderstorms. But around 7:15, the storm abated, so I got up and ready to go to the college. I was not the only one who was later than usual arriving.

Learned this morning that Wednesday is the last day of water aerobics until around mid-August, since the college will be on summer break. I was told that the group will meet for lunch at an Italian restaurant that day. As it happens, I agreed to man the art gallery on Wednesday, because the director is to be out of town for a few days. So I figured I would have to miss the luncheon.

I mulled it over for a while and decided to ask Hubbie if he would open the gallery around 10 a.m. and be there until around 12:30 or 12:45, when I can take over. He readily agreed.

Mother plans to go with me to the luncheon, and then on to the art gallery, where we will work on greeting cards both for the fair and for Caring Hands Hospice. There's usually not a lot of traffic in the gallery on a weekday, so working on cards will put our time to good use.

Back home, after I was ready for the day, I called the scrapbook club members to remind them of our Thursday meeting. Then Mother and I organized the supplies we will need for card making on both Wednesday and Thursday.

After lunch, Mother rested, while I went upstairs to the computer in my office and took care of email correspondence, uploading photos to the one-hour service, and other business. A thunderstorm cropped up, and I had to shut the computer down.

Later, for supper, we had leftover pork roast and veggies. I accompanied Mother to her house afterward. At home, I began plowing through a stack of newspapers that had accumulated while we were gone last week. Hubbie had picked them up at the newspaper office this afternoon while he was out running errands.

Tonight's TV fare was a 1972 Alfred Hitchcock movie, titled "Frenzy." The movie, rated "R," takes place in London, where women are being raped and then killed by a serial necktie strangler. Naturally, the wrong man is accused and convicted at first.