Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday, July 13

Up around 7 a.m., so Hubbie could get ready to meet a doctor's appointment. He was to have fasting blood work and a general examination. But when he arrived at just after 8 a.m., he learned that the nurse had made a mistake, and Hubbie's annual physical isn't due until around mid-August. Insurance and Medicare will only pay for annual physicals on or after the date of the last annual exam.

While he was gone, I hopped on the treadmill for a session, followed by resistance exercises.

Hubbie was back home around 9 a.m. After he'd had breakfast, and I'd gotten ready for the day, we ran errands...to a grocery store for cottage cheese, to the bank, to the Extension office to pick up registration tags for our county fair entries, and to the WDCS for groceries and incidentals for us and for Mother.

We were surprised upon entering the store to find that staff were rearranging departments. The shoe department that was previously located at the back of the store is now at the front. The photo center is being moved to the back of the store. A temporary pharmacy is being constructed at the front, but I don't know what's to be moved into what used to be the pharmacy space.

We talked with a staff member, who said they are remodeling (but not expanding) the store, and shuffling things around should take about two months. Boo. It'll be hard to find stuff for a while. Even today, we had to hunt for stuff. I'm sure this is a marketing ploy on the part of the store...they want customers to have to wander all over the place looking for stuff, and maybe do impulse shopping along the way.

Well, at least the main drag running in front of the WDCS is now complete after many months of congested traffic while road crews worked. The road has been widened to allow for more lanes, and traffic can now zip along it. Maybe now, traffic in front of our house will lighten, since folks will no longer have to detour down our road to avoid the other one.

Back home, I helped Mother come to our house after lunch, but we didn't accomplish much for the afternoon.

Later, I fixed chicken fried in olive oil, mashed potatoes, and gravy, and boiled cabbage for supper. Mother insisted on helping. So she sat at a table and seasoned the chicken and dredged it in flour. She's still not able to stand for long periods of time, though she is doing better, since the swelling in her left foot is almost gone. She still tires very easily, though.

Today, Mother found ants in her pantry and had to remove food from the shelves, discard some of it, and put things back after spraying for the pests. I asked her to wait until I got back from shopping, so I could help her with this project, but she just went on with it herself while I was gone. She's very independent that way.

After supper, I accompanied Mother back to her house. Later, I went to a community theater board meeting, which drug on from 7 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Hubbie entertained himself with TV while I was gone. When I got back, we enjoyed hunks of ice cold watermelon...maybe not the best idea for a snack just before bedtime. We'll see.