Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics.  Such a nice, cool, low humidity day for walking to the gym. Very pleasant, despite raucous crows calling each other high in the pine trees on land adjacent to the gym. The land is used in the college's adventure program, and there is a zipline there.

The pool was cool, too, but fine once I got used to it. Only nine of us showed up today, probably because it's Friday, and folks want to get a jump on the weekend. We don't have a lot planned for the weekend, though, so a session at the pool was just the thing for me.

Back home afterward, I relaxed with cups of coffee, and then headed upstairs to get ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and then he met his appointment with his barber.

By the time I was ready for the day, it was around 11:30, so I fixed us a lunch of leftovers. Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran a couple of the farmer's market, where we picked up zucchini squash and peaches, and to the WDCS, where we bought a few grocery items, including a bag of sweet cherries that had been marked down to a dollar a pound from three dollars a pound. I'd been wanting some cherries, but refused to pay the higher price.

Back home, I asked Hubbie if he knew what had happened to a bottle of sunscreen I'd bought on our last trip to the WDCS. I'd searched for it everywhere this morning and couldn't find it. Hubbie didn't know what had happened to it, so he searched everywhere, too, including the van.

We decided the bottle never made it home with us, so I suggested we find the sales receipt and go back to the store for a replacement. Hubbie was convinced that since we'd bought it last week, the store probably wouldn't replace it. But I thought it was worth trying, because we paid about $7 for it, and I didn't want to shell out that amount again for another bottle.

So while I was busy doing other things, Hubbie went to the WDCS. He had no trouble getting a replacement, since a computer search at the returns counter showed that a bottle of sunscreen was left behind at the register we used on the date indicated on our sales receipt. I wonder what would have happened, though, if the item had not shown up on the computer?

At home later, Mother helped me put together and egg casserole for supper. She diced mushrooms and bell peppers, which I sauteed with onions, and then we layered leftover fried potatoes, the veggies, egg substitute, bread crumbs, and Monterey Jack cheese. Baked the dish for about 45 minutes. Served it with toast and jelly, and slices of cantaloupe.

Afterward, I changed clothes, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house. Then we went downtown to the art gallery for an artist's reception. We enjoyed the event, because it was an opportunity to talk with people we haven't seen for a while.

The artist is a woman who originally came from a nearby community in our state, but who moved to California, where she spent over 20 years. She has now returned to live in our state again. Her watercolor pastels depict California mountain landscapes, as well as river landscapes from our state.

Back home, we watched TV for a while, including a very strange movie called "Woman in the Fifth." This very strange subtitled movie from France at first seemed to be a drama about a man, estranged from his wife, returning to a town to be close to his daughter; but as the story unfolded, it seemed to take a weird turn into the realm of fantasy.