Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10

Up at 6 a.m. this morning to get ready for water aerobics. Gee whiz the dressing room at the gym is cold! Feels even colder when I'm wet from the shower or after I've been in the pool. The pool was chilly, too, today, though I got used to it pretty quickly.

A dozen of us attended this morning. One of the ladies mentioned that watermelons and cantaloupes are ready in the community where she lives. There are several growers in that town, but we are especially fond of the produce from one of them.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, we decided to go to the town (about twenty minutes away) to buy melons. Our favorite grower had cantaloupes, but no watermelons. No one was available to help us, but customers were invited to pick the melons we wanted, and place our money in a can provided. We got two melons.

Then we went to another grower that we noticed on our way to our favorite one. This person had not only cantaloupes and watermelons, but a large variety of vegetables. We bought a watermelon, new potatoes, tomatoes, yellow squash, and bell peppers. The peppers were listed at fifty cents apiece, but she gave us six for a dollar.

Back home, I set a pot of spaghetti sauce simmering, and then later, after a chicken soup lunch, I turned the sauce off, and Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for a few grocery items and incidentals for ourselves and Mother.

Back home, again, Mother and I baked a batch of oatmeal-raisin cookies, much to Hubbie's delight, since these are his favorite kind. They aren't my favorite, so tomorrow we will make a recipe of oatmeal/chocolate chip/pecan cookies, which are really yummy.

Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle after that, and I relaxed until time to prepare supper. Around 3 p.m., Hubbie cut the watermelon, and we enjoyed juicy slices of the wonderful fruit. We'd sampled the sweet cantaloupe for lunch. These local melons are far superior to any that can be obtained at grocery stores.

Around 4 p.m., I added the rest of the beans and ham to the spaghetti sauce, and cooked macaroni to make goulash. It was a tasty dish, with a side of fresh tomatoes topped with cottage cheese.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched TV, including a movie called, "Lawless." Based on a true story, this 2012 movie takes place in Depression-era, Franklin County, Virginia, where bootleggers are threatened by a corrupt deputy, who wants a cut of the profits. Obviously "R" rated for violence.


Learned from the local paper tonight that the cause of the power outage last night was a young woman slamming into a power pole, after she huffed air duster, passed out, and lost control of her car. She's in jail now, with several charges against her, including driving on a suspended license, and having no liability insurance.