Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. Nice morning for the walk to the gym, but the water in the pool was a bit nippy. One member, a man, only dipped his toes in before deciding he couldn't stand it and left. His wife, a slender lady, braved it with the rest of us.

The walk back to the van afterward was as pleasant as the walk to the gym.  The air was warm, with the promise of humidity later. Dew still sparkled on the green, well manicured lawn. Peeking above the trees, the white cross on the college chapel spire contrasted beautifully against a clear blue sky. Carillons chimed the half hour, adding to the peaceful feeling of the campus, quiet right now while the students are on summer break.

Back home, I relaxed with a cup of coffee, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. Once I was ready for the day, I didn't accomplish a lot for the rest of the day, other than planning menus for a couple weeks, and catching up on newspaper reading.

Mother spent her time working a new jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie was in the yard most of the day. I should have found something constructive to do, but the mood didn't strike me.

Heated chicken noodle soup for lunch, and beans and ham, fried potatoes, and canned corn for supper. Hubbie accompanied her home afterward, and then he and I watched TV.