Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11

Slept late, until around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and then he went to a Master Gardener meeting.

Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that around the house, while Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

Hubbie returned from his meeting around 11:30, and after a lunch of leftovers, he went outside, and Mother and I made a batch of oatmeal/chocolate chip/nut cookies. We each tried one when they were done, and they are yummy. Hubbie declared them to be tasty, too, but not as good as the oatmeal-raisin ones. I put both batches of cookies in the freezer.

After that, Mother went back to her puzzle, and I relaxed with today's newspapers, and played on my e-tablet.

Mid-afternoon, Hubbie came in to tell me another large limb fell from that tree near Mother's house, bringing down a few smaller limbs with it. Fortunately, none of them hit Mother's house this time.

For supper, we had leftover goulash. I cooked a little more macaroni, since I felt there wasn't quite enough for the three of us. There was more sauce than was needed, so I put the rest of it in the freezer for a future goulash supper.

The goulash was as good tonight as it was last night. Served sliced garden tomatoes on the side. Hubbie brought home three really nice tomatoes from the Master Gardener meeting. A Master Gardener couple grow a huge veggie garden every year, and they share their bounty with folks.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then he and I watched TV.

Mother is beginning to misplace things. We haven't located her Social Security card yet...discovered it wasn't in her purse when I took her to the hospital for a scan of her swollen leg.

Then yesterday, she couldn't find her checkbook. Fortunately, Hubbie located it today, under her toaster.

We'd like to keep her checkbook and important ID cards in a safe place at our house, but she fights the idea, since she doesn't want to relinquish this part of her independence.

Of course, this just makes it more difficult for us to see to her affairs, which she is unable to take care of on her own.