Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, Sept. 19

Up around 7 a.m., and did a treadmill session after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day and put a pork roast and veggies in the slow cooker.

Did the usual Sunday routine after that...programming the DVR for the week's shows and movies, reading the Sunday newspaper, etc.

The pork roast was yummy for lunch, with carrots and onions, rice and gravy, coleslaw, applesauce, and sourdough bread.

Mother went home afterward, but came back around 4 p.m., so we could go to a jazz concert at a local restaurant. The concert was sponsored by our arts council as a fundraiser. We've heard this group before, and they are very good. The band is on tour from our capital city. We know one of the members, because he once lived in our town and was a member of the community theater.

The event included wine (or a choice of iced tea, soft drinks, water, or coffee) and nibbles...cheddar and pepper jack cheese plates, fruit plates (watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon), sandwiches of corned beef on mini-buns, mini cheese quiches, and toast points and crackers with spinach dip.

The jazz band, made up of older musicians, played old time jazz, which suited the mature audience very well. At one point, I leaned over to Mother and commented that I thought the oldest guy in the band, probably in his 80s, was cute. She agreed, saying that's what she was thinking, too. After the event, as we were walking out of the restaurant, the guy walked up to Mother and said that he thought about asking her to dance, except that he had two left feet. Seems like a performer flirts with Mother after every musical event we attend.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched the 2003, PG-13 movie, "Hollywood Homicide, starring Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett. A rap artist is killed and two who moonlights as a real estate agent (Ford), and the other (Hartnett) who moonlights as an actor...investigate the murder.

Note one: the leader of our water aerobics group called this afternoon to let me know that the pool will be closed tomorrow, and possibly all week, for repairs. I'm sure the repairs are for a leak in the pool. The water has probably been getting cooler and cooler each swim day because staff had to keep filling it with cold water in between sessions.

Besides news of the pool closing, our leader also said that her 50-year-old nephew died yesterday. He was the son of her sister, who died a week or so ago. The nephew, she said, had been in an automobile accident two years ago that left him paralyzed. It is supposed he might have died from a blod clot. My heart goes out to this lady for these losses.

Note two: on a lighter note, the hummingbirds have only recently been visiting our feeders...probably because a variety of flowers bloomed all spring and summer that satisfied their nectar needs. Now that there are fewer flowers, the birds are furiously fueling up at the feeder for their soon-to-come long migration. I've missed seeing them at the feeder through the spring and summer, though.