Friday, November 16, 2007

Busy Day

Here it is 7 p.m., and I'm just now winding down from a busy day. It started at 7 a.m. with breakfast and a trip to the college for water aerobics. I needed my jacket and gloves this morning, since the weather turned sharply cooler from yesterday. For the first time this season (that I noticed, anyway), the windshield was covered in crackly starbursts of frost, and fields along the route to the pool sparkled white in the sunshine.

The pool was 86 degrees today...such a heavenly change from Monday's 82 degrees. It's amazing what a difference a few degrees can make. 82 degrees feels like a dip in the Atlantic to me.

One of the water aerobics ladies is in the process of getting a book published, and this morning she asked me to do photos of her for the book jacket. I was delighted to be asked, of course, and we set a 3 p.m. time for her to come to my house for a photo shoot.

Back home from water aerobics, I spent the rest of the morning stowing stuff, making room for a large family gathering on Thanksgiving Day. After lunch, we shopped for groceries...mainly a turkey and other ingredients for the big feast.

Shortly after we got home from shopping, my water aerobics friend came, and we spent about an hour getting just the right shots of her. After she left, it was time to think about supper. And now, at last, here I am at the computer. But soon it will be time to go downstairs and join my husband for the rest of the evening.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you are THAT sister. I came here via Ann's blog, and i have been here a couple times, but I did not know you were the "picture sister". I'm enjoying your blog!

Sixty Something said...

Thanks for the feedback! I love writing the blogs, and enjoy hearing from folks who read them.