Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to Water Aerobics

Yay! Today was the first day of water aerobics after a three-week hiatus while the college was on break. The water was cool, but it felt wonderful once I was in it. It was good to get back and talk with swim buddies about how they spent their days away from the pool. Some traveled to other states to visit family, others caught up on projects at home, and some took advantage of the time to get routine doctor and dental appointments out of the way. Most broke with exercise routines, though. One lady said she got on her stationary bicycle a couple of times before giving up in favor of more interesting things to do. As a result, she put on a few pounds. I'm glad I stuck with my workouts.

After I got home from aerobics, Mother put color in my hair, because we have appointments for haircuts tomorrow. It was close to noon before I was ready to do anything else. After lunch, Hubbie and I (you guessed it) ran the post office, to the insurance office, to the farmer's market, to the gas station, and to the worldwide discount chain store. I picked up the photos of the Master Gardener (a lady in her 70s) and her posters from one-hour service, and when we'd finished shopping, we delivered the photos to the MG. As expected, she said the snapshots of her "look too much like me." But she decided one of them was acceptable just the same. She was very pleased with the photos of the posters.

Back home, we pattied hamburger, turkey burger, and ground pork for the freezer, and then I made a big bowl of Jell-o so we could use a couple of bananas, a peach, and a pear that were about to get too ripe.

Hubbie commented that several of the Asian pears we bought at the watermelon festival were getting over-ripe, so we peeled and sliced all of them, put them in two Dutch oven pans, covered them with water, brought them to a boil, cooked them for a couple of minutes, and then let them cool before draining them and putting them in quart-size freezer bags, along with three-quarter of a teaspoon of Fruit Fresh per bag (to keep them from turning brown). We got three quarts of the fruit for the freezer.

By now, it was suppertime. We heated leftover carrots, onions, and mashed potatoes in the oven, and served them with cold sliced roast beef, and hot beef gravy. Today, Mother made a recipe of Chinese beets, so we also had some of those, along with sliced garden tomatoes. Dessert, of course, was Jell-o with fat-free whipped topping.

Now it's time to relax.

Note: This afternoon, Mother talked with the nurse who works with one of the doctors who performs colonoscopies and scheduled the procedure for Wednesday, September 3. Her primary physician recommended the procedure mainly because Mother has never had one, but also because she has been complaining of tummy, intestine, and bowel troubles. Her physician wants to rule out any problems other than suspected irritable bowel syndrome.