Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, Feb. 19

Yellow crocus are blooming in the yard! Spring can't be far behind.

Had trouble going asleep last night, so got up late this morning...around 8 a.m. Did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast, and then got ready to go to a Caring Hands luncheon.

One of the ladies from water aerobics called this morning. She said that the reason the college pool is closed right now is that vandals broke in and damaged it. She wasn't sure how much damage had been done, or how long the pool will be closed, but when it opens again, water aerobics can resume. Yay!

At 11:30, the three of us went to a local bank community room for the catered lunch. We enjoyed lasagna, garlic bread with dipping sauce, and salad, at very nicely decorated tables. After lunch, we volunteers were presented with hours-served pieces that can be added to our hospice volunteer pins.

Mother and I were recognized for our hours of service, and praised highly for the greeting cards that we create. Our efforts don't hold a candle to what other volunteers are doing. But we appreciate the recognition, anyway.

Afterward, cake and coffee were served. Hubbie and Mother indulged, but I passed, since I couldn't tell if the cake had yellow dye in it.

Back home, Hubbie and I changed clothes and then went shopping for last-minute grocery items for the family gathering tomorrow.

Spent part of the rest of the afternoon gathering all the stuff we'll need to take with us in the morning, and then we relaxed and watched last night's Winter Olympics that I'd recorded on DVR. I was interested in seeing the men's figure skating.

Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I ate a light supper. Later, we went to a movie at the downtown theater that charges only $2 admission. We saw "The Twilight Saga: New Moon," along with a couple of hundred other folks. The book and movie series are wildly popular.

Before the movie began, I commented on how many people go to that theater. "It's probably because they show mainly kid movies," Hubbie, who is a fan of the Twilight series, said. "Like this one," he laughed.

Funny: As Mother walked into our downstairs bathroom this afternoon, she began cooing to what she thought was Shih Tzu curled up on the floor. But when she turned on the light, she saw that she was actually talking to a dark blue towel that had fallen off the rack.