Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25

Up at 7:30, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. After that, I got ready to meet an 11 a.m. dental appointment.

I hate going to the dentist...for one reason, it dips into my pocketbook. We don't have dental insurance, so today's visit (cleaning and routine digital x-rays) set me back $163. I never get away with less than $100 tab.

Today, the dentist's office was particularly unnerving with lots of drill-like noises emanating from various exam rooms. Didn't hear any moans of pain, though. Still, there's something about those high-pitched drill noises that raises the hair on the back of my neck and sets my teeth on edge...like someone running fingernails down a chalkboard.

While I was gone, Mother came over and boiled potatoes and macaroni for the trip. She also put together a meatloaf for supper.

I got back home a little after noon, and fixed deli turkey sandwiches for lunch. At the WDCS, I ran into a new item...whole wheat bread rounds...that are very tasty. They are flat and crustier than regular slices of bread, so tomatoes and other sandwich makings don't soak through. They are also easier to handle when piled with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...to deliver a bag of laundry detergent to a friend, to the WDCS for a few last-minute trip items, and to a grocery store for a sugar-free angel food cake.

Back home, we did things related to the trip. Supper was the meatloaf, with mashed potatoes and green beans.

Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I visited a neighbor to take her some information about digital cameras. She wanted my advice on a fully automatic SLR camera for around $500. I found information on one that seemed to meet her needs, but I suggested she call the camera store to get more information about this and other cameras. I don't want to influence anyone about a camera purchase. If they are dissatisfied, they might blame me.

This neighbor is very nice. She always comes over and feeds the cats and waters the gardens while we are gone. She and other neighbors also keep a watch on our house anytime we are away.

Spent the evening watching TV, as usual, including the final episode of "Dancing with the Stars." We were not surprised by the winners...Nichole and Derek.