Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mid-Term Election Day

We were up around 7:30 on this very cool, drizzly morning , and I did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie hung the flag on the well house in recognition of Election Day.

As soon as I was ready for the day, we went to our polling place to cast our votes in this very important election.

At 11:30, I went to my beauty shop for a haircut. When I got back home, Hubbie informed me that Mother was having problems with her plumbing, so he called a plumber, who arrived around noon to take care of the problem.

It was well after 12:30 before Hubbie and I had lunch. As soon as we'd eaten, we ran errands...first to the pharmacy, and then to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend. I had a $10 coupon to spend, and I found a fleece shirt for under $12.

From there, we went to another pharmacy, where I had a coupon for buy-one-get-one-half-price packages of hair color. I also had a $2 coupon for these.

Then we went to the health store, where I bought multi-vitamins. After that, it was on to the WDCS for groceries and incidentals.

We were back home around 4 p.m. Later, we had leftover chicken and dumplings, with a small amount of mashed potatoes. Since there wasn't enough mashed potatoes, we baked a few very small sweet potatoes to go with the meal.

Around 6:30, we went to the college that is near our home to attend a 7 p.m. hypnotist program. This was the second in a series of programs for which I bought season tickets.

This was one of those evenings when we had to choose among several entertainments...the hypnotist program, a football game on TV, and the elimination episode of "Dancing With the Star," on TV. I recorded the two TV programs, though I don't know when we'll be able to watch them.

The hypnotist's program was hilarious, of course. He hypnotized a large group on stage...mainly college students...who did the foolish things asked of them. Three guys were told they were girls competing in a hula contest for a million dollar prize. They were to go into the audience and perform for various men, whom they thought were judges. Donning grass skirts and flowered cup things on their chests, they swayed and flirted up and down the aisles.

One guy was told that every time he heard the words Rip Van Winkle, he would stand up and announce he had wet his pants, and he was proud of it. The women onstage were told that upon hearing spy music, they would go out in the audience and look for clues, and then on command return to the stage and start fighting imaginary enemies.

The guys were told that their butts were on fire, and the only way they could put it out was to scoot along the stage. One guy was told that when he counted to ten, he would skip the number three. He became very puzzled when he counted his fingers and kept coming up with eleven, or when he counted backward and ended with zero. When asked how he came up with eleven fingers, he said he never was very good at math.

A girl was told that when asked, she would know her last name, but would forget her first name. She was told that when she recited the alphabet, however, and came to the correct letter of her first name, she would suddenly remember it.

At one point, they were all told they were naked, which caused some hilarious squirming to cover themselves. But then they were told they were proud of their naked bodies and wanted to show them off, whereupon they went into sexy poses.

He also hypnotized receptive audience members, two of whom were women who were told that they were his number one fan, and when he said his name, they would job up and clap and cheer, which they did.

The last thing he told them was that they would not be able to leave the auditorium until someone said their name. We were behind one of the women, and each time she tried to go out the door, she was unable to. Her friends tried to coax her through the door, but she would pull back, saying she'd wait until later. Finally, one of them said her name, and she was released from the command.

We were back home around 9 p.m., when we watched the football game I'd recorded on DVR.