Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday, March 1

I was up around 7:30 on this lovely, spring-like first day of March, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Days like this it'd be great to walk outdoors, but I don't feel safe traipsing down the road on the west side of our house, because the homes are too far apart (I don't trust passing traffic) and barking dogs make a beeline for me as I walk past. I'm never sure how friendly the dogs are...some are too friendly, wanting to nuzzle wet noses into my hands, or jump on me. I only walk on that road if Hubbie is with me.

Mother came over as I was getting ready for the day and worked on her jigsaw puzzle. I goofed off so much this morning reading my novel and playing on my office computer that I didn't accomplish anything before lunch.

After lunch, I went to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend to look for a pair of denim jeans of the brand that Mother likes...she has a birthday gift card from Son and Daughter-in-Law to purchase them. Unfortunately, the store didn't have her size today, but I ordered a pair, which will come in sometime next week.

Back home, I loaded high school reunion snapshots sent to me on a flash drive from one of my classmates into my laptop computer, and then burned a copy onto a CD for my office computer. This was a convoluted way of doing things, but I couldn't get my office computer to cooperate in any functions I tried yesterday. I was able to load my own snapshots onto a fresh flash drive, however, which I'll send to my classmate, along with his flash drive. It's beginning to look like I need to invest in updating my old office computer.

While I was doing this, Hubbie went to the farm store to pick up onion sets for Mother, since it's time to get those into the ground.

Got a call from my doctor's office reporting that all my tests were okay, except that I'm showing slightly elevated liver enzymes, probably due to taking cholesterol lowering medication. I'm to cut my medication in half and not drink alcohol for the next four weeks, and then get re-tested.

Supper tonight was sauteed beef strips with onions and bell peppers, baked potatoes, and canned whole kernel corn.

Later, I met with my student. We practiced conversational skills using the third person singular -s form of a verb with a singular noun, a person's name, or with he or she, as in "The man looks at the tent," "I look at the tent," "Bob looks at the tent."

We also practiced question and answer skills: "Are you from Puerto Rico?" "Yes, I'm from San Juan." "That's a beautiful city." "Yes, it is."

Then we practiced the words: river, snake, tent, valley, woman, yells. Valley is difficult for her to pronounce. She keeps saying, "volley," so we'll need to work on that one some more. She's still having difficulty with the word "thin," too.

Tonight, she revealed that she is from a town in Mexico that she says is violent and not beautiful. So she is glad to be in our town, which she deems not only beautiful but a safe place to live.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched a couple of one-hour shows before bedtime.