Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, July 25

We were up at 6 a.m. this morning, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. The session was set for 7:30, instead of 8:30, because Special Olympics kids had reserved the pool for our regular hour.

I put off having breakfast, so I could be at the pool by 7 a.m. for half an hour of swimming in the deep end before aerobics began. Felt wonderful, of course. More members attended than I thought would show up at that early hour.

After aerobics, in the dressing room, a lady showed up late for the session. She hadn't gotten word that we were to meet earlier. She was very disappointed, because she wanted to get back to water aerobics after suffering a heart episode last March that required a stent, and then another episode a couple of months ago that required another stent.

Learned today that our lifeguard is a resident of a nearby youth ranch. The ranch takes care of youth from broken homes, where they may have been neglected or abused. This particular young man is very nice, and according to an article in the ranch's newsletter, has more than one job while attending the college where the pool is located. We're glad to have him as our lifeguard.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, I took Mother for an appointment for a follow up urine test. Even though she had drunk coffee and water in the five hours since she'd visited the bathroom at 5 a.m., she simply could not provide a sample of more than a half teaspoon. I think she gets tinkle retention as soon as she enters a doctor's office. I tried everything, like running water in the sink, trying to make her laugh, etc. Nothing worked. But the nurse said she thought what Mother provided might be enough for a test, so I guess all is well.

At home, after lunch, I devoted an hour to preparing a lesson plan, before going down to the college library to meet with my student. Today, my student greeted me with two Ziplock containing a nice size sweet banana pepper, and the other containing seven fresh figs. Both treats are from their family garden.

The lesson today included conversation revolving around visiting a doctor and understanding physician instructions, as well as describing symptoms using "ache" and "hurt" appropriately: "I have an earache, headache, toothache, backache," or "my foot hurts, my arm hurts," etc.

We also covered adverbs ending in "ly," as in quickly, carefully, softly, loudly, and recognizing the difference in the words "passed," and "past," and the "s" and "th" sound differences in "sink," and "think," and "sank," and "thank," "sin," and "thin," etc.

Using noun substitutes of "one," and "it," were a bit confusing for her: "Would you like an apple?" "Yes, I'd like one," in contrast with, "Would you like this apple?" "Yes, I'd like it."

Back home after the session, Mother had heated leftovers from yesterday...slow cooker chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and yellow squash, which we had with sliced tomatoes. She went home afterward, and Hubbie and I went to the store that has a sale every weekend, where I spent a $10 coupon to buy a pair of denim crop pants.

Later, we watched a subtitled movie called, "Cell 211." A young guard on his first day on the job, inadvertently gets caught up in a prison riot. The guard poses as a prisoner in order to survive. Intense movie, with some surprising twists and turns.