Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday, Sept. 11

Flew the American flag this morning, of course, in remembrance of all who died in the terrorist attack on this date ten years ago. We spent an hour watching the remembrance ceremonies on TV, before Hubbie and I headed to a town a couple of hours east of us to see, for the first time, great-granddaughters born recently.

My daughter stayed at our house to be with Mother while we were gone. We arrived in the other town around 11 a.m. and went to a warehouse store to pick up a few items before we went to Hubbie's daughter's house, where everyone was to gather for lunch.

We arrived at Daughter's house around noon, but found that no one was there yet. They were still at church. So we passed the time listening to an audio book on CD, while we waited.

Soon, everyone arrived, and we enjoyed a sandwich lunch before 1 p.m. Then we took turns holding the babies and talking pictures. Around 3 p.m., one of the babies became loudly fussy, and could not be comforted. No wonder. Her mother had brought her and her two brothers (both under 5 years old) from Michigan.

Granddaughter said she and her husband had traveled five hours from their Michigan home to an airport in Detroit. Then the baby had cried for most of the flight. They arrived yesterday. Later this afternoon, Granddaughter, the three kids, and their great-grandmother were scheduled to spend another five hours driving to the western part of the state to spend the week at the home of Hubbie's other daughter. On Friday, they'll travel the five hours back in order to catch a plane early, early Saturday morning for a return trip to Detroit, and another five hour trip by car to their home. It tires me just to think about this. I don't know how Granddaughter does it.

Besides all the traveling, and being away from familiar surroundings, the baby must be exhausted from being passed from person to person for two days.

We were glad to see the babies and the other children at the gathering, but the visit reaffirmed the fact raising kids is for the young.

We left Daughter's house around 4 p.m. to return home. Mother had heated leftover spaghetti from the freezer for our supper, and we had that with coleslaw, cottage cheese, and garlic/butter toasted hamburger buns.

Afterward, Mother worked on her puzzle for a few more minutes, and then we watched a 2010 movie..."Knight and Day," starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. This action adventure comedy (mostly comedy) revolves around a young woman who gets mixed up with a spy trying to clear his name. Lots of explosions, car chases, gun play, and romance. Daughter thoroughly enjoyed this flick.