Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Oct. 22

Up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics. It was a pleasant morning, if a little cool. Saw a spectacular sunrise on the way to the college...bright red-orange sky with a smattering of violet clouds.

Twenty-two of us attended the session today. The water was wonderful, as usual.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, I did this and that for the rest of the morning. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and then he ran a few errands.

After lunch, Mother headed to the couch for a nap, and I reviewed today's ESL lesson. Went to the college to meet my student at 2:20, but by 2:40, when she hadn't arrived yet, I called her husband. He said she had left a while ago, and should have been there by now. Would I please call him back, if she didn't arrive within fifteen minutes? Yes, I would.

But she did arrive shortly, bringing with her a bouquet of fall flowers, a greeting card, and a container of homemade veggie dip. She always manages to one-up me in gift-giving exchanges.

I didn't bring a gift today, but I did lend her the book, "Color Me Beautiful," which helps women chose colors to wear that enhance their skin tones. The book divides women into the four seasons, and helps them decide if they should wear "cool" colors, or "warm" colors. As an autumn, I wear warm colors. The student is a winter, and looks best in the cool colors of winter.

We spent a lot of time in conversation today, so we didn't cover much ground in the lesson book. Today she mentioned that she is now enrolled in a GED night class, which she is studying in English. Her teacher is very surprised at how well she is doing in English, after such a short time studying the languaage.

We spoke of many other things, too, mostly involving family. We have a lot in common, and enjoy sharing our lives. I have become not only her teacher, but her confidant. In fact, a handwritten message in the card she gave me with the bouquet, expressed that I am her best friend "in this country." Of course, her best friend of many years lives in Venezuela. She anticipates her Venezuelan friend will soon visit her in the U.S., and she is anxious for me to meet her.

In the lesson, the student learned vocabulary using "as far as," and "until." "He walked as far as the lake." "He lived in Canada until 1980."

She also learned two-word verbs with "up." "Drink up your milk." "Clean up your room."

The lesson ended with the use of "but...anyway." "She doesn't like TV, but she watches it anyway." "It was raining, but they went camping, anyway."

Back home, Hubbie had heated the-week-in-review leftovers for our supper. After supper, I accompanied Mother to her house, and waited until she showered before I returned home.

Spent the rest of the evening in various tasks, and then watched TV, including the third Presidential Debate, until bedtime.