Sunday, April 7, 2013

Friday, April 5

Hubbie and I both slept like logs last night, after a harrowing day (for more reasons than one). We were up at 6:30, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics, and so Hubbie could get ready to go to a Master Gardener dig (digging plants from a member's yard to be offered for sale at the organization's plant sale later this month).

Winter still prevailed this morning...could see my breath, and there was frost on the I donned my coat and gloves for the trip to the pool. WHERE IS SPRING!

Over twenty of us showed up this morning, despite the cold, and despite the fact that it's Friday, when lots of ladies are busy with weekend plans. The water was quite a bit cooler. I'm not surprised. I'm just surprised it wasn't cooler on Wednesday after I saw steam rising from it on Monday.

Back home afterward, I found that Hubbie had already accompanied Mother to our house, because he needed to leave for his dig around 8:30. I warmed up with a couple of cups of coffee, and then got ready for the day. Spent some time this morning searching for a summery outfit to wear to a wedding shower tomorrow morning. I store out-of-season clothing in a barrel in the laundry room, so I had to dig deep to find what I needed...a pair of white slacks and a three-quarter-length sleeve blouse.

Got ready for the day, and didn't do much else before lunch. Hubbie returned from his dig right at noon, and we had chicken salad sandwiches. Then Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie went into the yard, and I gathered laundry to wash.

Checked on the clothes in about 30 minutes and discovered the machine is still leaking. So Hubbie will have to contact the store where we got it and have a repairman sent out. I had several piles of laundry on the laundry room floor, which are now wet and will need to be taken to the laundromat. What else is going to break down around here?

While the washer was leaking all over the floor, the hot tub repairman came and fixed the tub (I hope...we'll know in cold weather when we try to use it again).

In the meantime, I checked my social network page and found I'd won tickets to a Capital City Eggshibition event from a local TV station. The event is tonight, and I would have to pick up the tickets in the City and attend it at 7 p.m. We can't do that, since we have tickets to a FilmFest event tonight, so I tried to inbox the station, as suggested, but had no luck. So I called the station and was told the person I needed to talk to was in a meeting. I should call back in 30 minutes. I did, and asked that the tickets be given to someone else. I was assured they would be glad to do that.

After lunch, I relaxed for the afternoon, and caught up on a couple of days worth of newspapers. Earlier in the week, a representative from the state newspaper came by and talked Hubbie into taking the daily edition for six months at a discounted price that included a $20 gift card to the WDCS and a Betty Crocker cookbook. So delivery of the daily began yesterday, which meant I needed to read yesterday's and today's editions, along with the editions of our local newspaper.

Didn't do much else before suppertime. Tonight, we had Dragon soup with cornbread and biscuits. Then, at 6 p.m., I went to the local college down the road to see a screening of a documentary called "Black Marks on White Paper," about a black bishop of the United Methodist Church, who became a Liberian politician. He later came to America and touched the lives of many. The name of the film derives from when he was a child, who was fascinated with seeing someone apply black marks (writing) to white paper, and then be able to read the marks to someone. He wanted to learn how to do this "magic." So he was inspired to climb out of obscurity to become a highly educated man, a teacher, a minister, and a politician loved by all who came in contact with him.

Came home after the movie and relaxed until time to go back to the college for a screening of the silent film, "Underworld," accompanied by the Alloy Orchestra. Mother and Hubbie went, too. The theater was packed for this one. The film launched the American gangster movie genre. Even though the orchestra is in a lighted area down front, it wasn't long before the audience no longer noticed them as they played background accompaniment to the film.

The movie began at 8 p.m., so by the time we got back home, we were plenty ready for bed.