Friday, April 5, 2013

Wednesday, April 3

Really cold day today...wondering where spring is.

We were up at 6:30, so I could get ready for water aerobics. Suited up as for winter for the walk to the gym. Thankfully, the pool was very warm. Twenty-four of us enjoyed it. This was the largest number to attend since last fall.

Back home, while I got ready for the day, Mother packed a lunch for the two of us to take to the museum for a brown bag FilmFest event. Hubbie opted out of going, because he wanted to attend a Master Gardener training program this afternoon. He missed the morning session, because he wanted to be here when the stove repairman arrived to replace the element in the oven. He also wanted to administer medicine and Pedialyte to the cat to help him get better after spending two nights in a tree.

Mother and I left home shortly after 11 a.m., even though the film at the museum didn't start until noon. I wanted to be sure to snag one of the two handicapped spaces in front of the building. We were willing to wait a while after we arrived for the convenience of that space.

We went inside around 11:30, and enjoyed our lunches of chicken salad sandwiches, chips, a dessert bar, and water, before the film started. Today's features included one about a New Deal colony in our state, which was Roosevelt's attempt to provide refuge for displaced farmers, with the promise that the land and the house built there would eventually become theirs. The community where the colony was located was home to a famous country-western star.

The second short feature was about a boy's grandfather who teaches him a little about cattle farming. The boy is straight from the city, clad in new boots and overalls, and what his grandfather asks him to do is hilarious. The feature is only eight minutes long, but it's eight minutes of laugh-out-loud hilarity.

We were back home shortly after 1 p.m., and it wasn't long before Hubbie arrived, too. He decided he wasn't really interested in the subject matter of the MG training session.

We didn't accomplish much for the rest of the afternoon. Around 4 p.m., Hubbie put potatoes in the oven to bake, and we had those with lefotver beans and ham around 5 p.m.

Later, the three of us went to what used to be a movie theater, since renovated to a church, to attend a screening of the 1937 black and white film, "Topper," starring Cary Grant. For this showing, FilmFest volunteers, and several members of the audience, dressed in clothes appropriate to the era.

The movie was preceded by a cartoon of "Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor." The color of this cartoon is extraordinary...almost like art.

"Topper," of course, is about an elegant couple who are killed in an automobile accident, and then become ghosts. To go to their eternal reward, they must first perform a good deed...and the comedy begins. Mother was particularly interested in this film, since it's from her era.

It might seem strange that FilmFest events would be held at a church, but this church has a huge screen mounted up high enough so the view of those seated is unobstructed. And the facility seats over 200 people in padded chairs rather than pews. The church is quite willing to lend the venue for screenings of family friendly films.