Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Kid on the Blog

Greetings from the New Kid on the Blog.

Sis, if you're reading this, thanks for getting me started.

Sis is my "baby" sister - only middle-aged - and a whiz at computers and other electronics. I'm ten years older than Sis, and a computer dunce by comparison. So from time-to-time, she's called upon to take me by the hand and lead me (or shove me, as the case may be) through a new cyberspace exercise. This time, it was getting set up to Blog.

But that's the way it is with some of us Sixty-Somethings. It's harder to get us out of our comfort zones. For instance, we hate it when, just as we've mastered the VCR, DVD players take over the world. And we no sooner settle into that electronic advance, than along come DVRs. I have to admit, though, I love our DVR...same advantages of the VCR, but easier to program.

But I approached the DVR just as I have every other new electronic device - with fingernail-biting trepidation. Never mind that a new gadget might well make life easier and more fun, I'm always on edge about learning to use it. I wish I could be more like Sis, who embraces every new advance like it has been invented solely for her pleasure.

Well, one thing Sis impressed upon me about Blogging is that I should keep it short. So I'll end this one, but I'll be back with other ramblings later.


Ann crum said...

Yay, Sis! Glad to see you got your feet wet! I'm looking forward to more posts from you, when you're ready to write. Congrats on the new blog!

grandi13 said...

WELCOME to the blogging world!! I have only been blogging since August of 2006. I depend on my DD for all the changes and add ons needed.

Sixty Something said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. It's comforting to know I'm not the only novice blogger in the world!