Thursday, January 3, 2008

The I-Feel-Icky Season

Right in the middle of Christmas festivities, I came down with a...a what? A cold? A flu bug? A sinus problem? I don't know. I just know I was blah, with a runny nose. I soldiered on, though, and didn't miss any of the events. I suppose I should have stayed home so as not to pass my malady on to others, but I didn't. And I noticed others didn't either, because there was a lot of sneezing and blowing going on at every gathering.

That's the thing about this vague condition. It's not severe enough to shut down the business of life, but it is annoying enough to make the infected person feel like he or she is dragging 100 lb. weights around, while progressing through the day in slow motion.

To my knowledge, there's no scientific name for the illness...I call it the "galloping croup," or the "creeping crud." A friend has an even more expressive name for it...the "epizooties." Whatever it's name, it's common at this time of year, and while hand washing and other hygienic acts may help, nothing completely keeps it at bay. At our house, we all seem to come down with at least one episode of it each winter. Already, I've suffered two in the past several months, so I hope it's out of my system.

Mother is just recovering from her bout, but Hubbie is in the throes of one...his being severe enough to require a doctor's attention. Hopefully, the prescribed meds will clear it up.