Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year's Day

New Year's Day was another quiet day around here. Lunch was delicious...ham, a cinnamon-seasoned and baked dish of sweet potatoes and acorn squash, black eyed peas for good luck, asparagus, deviled eggs, and fruit salad, with a cherry topped cream cheese pie for dessert.

New Year's Day is our day to take down the Christmas decorations. I have mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, decorating took so long that it's sad to have to say goodbye to the trees, the ornaments, the wreathes, and all the other bright bric-a-brac of Christmas. On the other hand, after five weeks, it's time to get our house back in order...time to put away last year and get on with the business of the new year.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, though, I do leave the ceramic village on the mantel through January, since the pieces are more winter-themed than Christmas-themed. The lighted houses, barns, churches, etc., set among puffs of cotton batting, are cheery on cold, gray days.

2007 was a mixed bag of goals achieved, goals not yet attained, challenges faced, births, deaths, and farewells. It will be interesting to see how 2008 unfolds.