Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Troubled Waters at Water Aerobics

Since the pool was closed during the college's five-week winter break, water aerobics was suspended, too, until January 14. A large group of us gathered that chilly Monday morning to learn that the lady who leads us in our routine had a freak accident the previous Saturday that resulted in a broken shoulder. A gate she opened caught in a blustery wind, and in an attempt not to fall, she tightened her grip, which jerked her shoulder so violently that it broke. The injury was severe enough to require complicated surgery.

Since she is to be away from water aerobics for an extended time, the alternate leader took over to lead us Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of last week. But yesterday morning, when I walked into the dressing room, one of the ladies told me that the alternate leader's husband suffered a life-threatening heart attack over the weekend, and had undergone triple bypass surgery.

The third alternate leader could not be reached, so the lady who brought the bad news and I stood in the dressing room wondering what we should do. She had had the presence of mind to get the boom box and music tapes from our usual leader, so I suggested that the two of us conduct the class as best we could. She agreed. She would man the boom box and watch the time to keep us within our 45-min. session, and I would lead the group in a routine. It wasn't exactly the way our leader would have done it, but we got all the moves in anyway. And it was a new experience for me. We never fully appreciate another's job until we are called upon to do it ourselves!

With luck, our third alternate leader will be on board tomorrow. I've been asked to be sure to be there just in case, which is a sweet compliment, because I'm confident that another in this very supportive group would readily step forward if I couldn't be there.