Monday, March 17, 2008

Wearin' o' the Green

They say everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day, but it happens that Sis and I can rightly claim the heritage, since our father's side of the family descends from that nationality.

Mother is mostly French...petite, with brown to almost black hair (in her youth), a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, and pert nose; but I inherited more of my dad's features, with a diamond-shaped face, non-existent cheekbones, and skin coloring that loves autumn colors. Sis glows in spring colors that complement her fair complexion and sandy hair. Her looks derive more from Dad's side than Mother's, too.

St. Patrick's Day isn't a big deal in our town, but it's fun for me to wear green, including a green pin in the shape of a leprechaun's bowler hat that I drag out just for this one day.

Tonight, we enjoyed a new salt-free recipe for corned beef and cabbage. That's it for St. Patrick's Day. Now it's time to turn our thoughts to Easter.


Ann crum said...

I totally let St. Pat's day slip up on me, and wound up with no green at all on today. Of course, Brandon had to pinch me for it, but it was a very light pinch. lol. He, on the other hand, wore a green plaid shirt!

Sixty Something said...

And you an Irish lass! For shame! Especially since you have nothing more serious to occupy your mind. lol. Good for Brandon, though, for remembering...guys usually forget this kind of stuff.