Friday, April 4, 2008

Weather Watching

Last night was another pins-and-needles night of staying tuned to our TV, tracking thunderstorm and tornado warnings. Since our area of the state was in the watch area, we didn't feel comfortable going to bed until meteorologists announced an all-clear. That was after midnight.

Twice the lights went out briefly...just long enough for us to light candles and hunt down the kerosene lamp by flashlight. However, we discovered that the batteries in our boom box were dead, and we didn't have enough fresh ones to replace them, so we had no way of getting radio weather reports.

Drat, we seem to always be unprepared in an emergency! Fortunately, the lights came back on in a few minutes, but we could have been among those in areas that are still without power. Vow: go to the store tomorrow and get batteries....get a backup radio....get a battery operated camp light. Spring storms are far from over. We need to be better prepared.

We were fortunate all the way around, since the storms dissipated before they reached our county. There's a lot of damage and flooding in other parts of the state, but thank God, no one was killed this time.

No problems here, except it has rained so much I think I'm growing moss on my north side.