Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Doctor Day

I awoke at 6 a.m. this morning to a familiar infection requiring a physician's attention. As soon as 8 a.m. rolled around, I called the doctor's office to make an appointment. My regular doctor, a female, was out, so I had to choose another one in the clinic. I chose the male doctor my husband uses.

Since the appointment wasn't until 11 a.m., Mother came over and we worked on scrapbook pages in the meantime.

Hubbie accompanied me to the clinic and ran errands while I was there. I expected him to be sitting in the waiting room when I came out, but he wasn't, so I called his cell phone. Naturally, he'd forgotten to turn it on. However, I saw him drive up just as I got down to the first floor lobby to wait for him. We went straight to the pharmacy from the clinic to pick up the prescribed antibiotic before coming home for lunch.

Fortunately, the infection will not prevent my going to Cardiac Rehab in the morning. And if I had to be plagued with an infection, today is probably the most convenient time, since it's not Rehab day, not Memorial Day weekend, and not the weekend after Memorial Day, when we've planned a camping trip for a family reunion/birthday get-together in a town south of us.

Mother didn't feel up to a walk around the lake after lunch, so we relaxed, worked on scrapbook pages, and planned craft projects to use as county fair entries in July.

At 3 p.m., I went for a routine dental appointment. All is well with my mouth this time, thank goodness, and the dentist said I am practicing good dental hygiene. That was good news, since I know that good dental hygiene and early treatment of infections are important to heart health.