Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Hummers are Back

Yay! Hubbie saw a hummingbird in the yard yesterday. He said he put his hand out, and the tiny bird nearly perched on it before whizzing away to a flower. We don't know if the hummers have recently arrived, or if they've been here for a while, and we just haven't seen them. They aren't visiting the feeders yet, so we can't enjoy watching them through the windows. Maybe the variety of flowers in the gardens right now is enough to satisfy their appetites without nectar supplement from feeders. Or maybe they aren't visiting the feeders because a couple of orioles are monopolizing them. I thought the orioles were just here for a stopover on their way north, but it seems they've taken up residence.

Well, this morning was Cardiac Rehab day again. My blood pressure was nice and low, my weight is holding steady, and my oxygen saturation is still 100%. A couple of the guys, who have just recently joined the 9 a.m. group, commented that I had made them tired Wednesday watching me walk on the treadmill. "Yes, she really gets with it, doesn't she?" the exercise physiologist chimed in. I'm sure they'll be striding right along, too, in a few weeks.

Today, our hearts got a laughter bonus: after exercising, we are required to sit for a while to allow our heart rates to come down before taking off our monitors. A registered nurse tracks our heart rates and lets us know when to remove the monitors by saying, in a very professional manner, "Fred, you can take off your monitor now." Today, though, she announced, "Fred, you can take off your shoe, now." We all looked puzzled. "Shoe?" we asked in chorus, and then broke into gales of laughter.

We had a quiet afternoon, with each of us going about our own business until 5 p.m., when Mother and I went to a Weight Watchers meeting. Actually, we just stopped by the meeting for our monthly weigh-in. Mother lost a pound, and I stayed the same. I was glad to see that the Weight Watchers and the Cardiac Rehab scales agree.