Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14

Sis alerted me that nothing but the title of yesterday's blog published. I don't know what happened. Last night, I decided to save the blog as a draft until this morning, but I couldn't get the function to work. So I opted to shut the site down for the night and re-write the blog this morning. Somehow, though, the title went ahead and published. Go figure.

Anyway, here's my blog for Monday.

I got a late start exercising at Cardiac Rehab, thanks to a cranky heart monitor. The physical therapist tried everything: changing the batteries several times, changing the sticky pads, applying salve under the sticky pads, and tightening the leads connection. Nothing seemed to work. Finally, someone suggested the leads themselves might be dead. So the therapist changed those, and voila', after fifteen minutes of trial and error, the monitor finally worked.

While we exercised, we watched the morning show televised from our capital city. One segment featured a doctor who answered callers' medical questions. At one point, a "Maud" (not her real name) from our town called in.

One of the nurses perked up. "I hope that isn't my Aunt Maud," she said.

When she heard the lady's voice, though, the nurse exclaimed, "Omigosh, it is Aunt Maud! Here she has a nurse in the family, and she's calling a doctor on TV!"

"How old is your aunt," I asked.

"Well, she's really my great aunt, and she's in her 70s. She's very active for her age, but somewhat of a hypochondriac."

The other incident that happened was a bit embarrassing. One of the male patients, a very large man, wore knit shorts that hit him about the middle of his upper legs. After resting during his cardio-stepper exercises, he had a totally revealing wardrobe malfunction when his damp-from-sweat shorts clung to his leg as he lifted it to a peddle. Unfortunately, I was on a treadmill directly across from him, though I pretended I saw nothing. There are full length mirrors all around the walls of the exercise room, however, so I'm sure he was aware of the problem, because he scrambled to adjust his clothing. This morning I noticed he was wearing shorts that came down to his knees. I wonder, though, is there no underwear in his size?

After I got home, Hubbie and I ran errands to the farmer's market, the bank, a grocery store, a dollar store, a health store, and finally to the worldwide discount chain store. At the farmer's market, we bought a huge locally grown cantaloupe. Since the cantaloupes are out, we know that the watermelons are ready, too. So we'll be wanting to travel to a nearby town to get one or two from our favorite farmer. His melons will be available in our town, too, but they are best right out of his field.

Nothing more eventful happened for the rest of yesterday, until it was time to take 34 houseplants to the fairgrounds to be entered for judging. Before we went to the fairgrounds, we baked sweet potatoes to have for supper with leftover sliced cold pork tenderloin, mixed vegetables, and sliced tomatoes. The potatoes were done before we left, and we turned the oven off to keep them warm until we returned.


Ann crum said...

Wow! That man must have been quite a sight! I was once eating at McD, before I started working there, and a man's "stuff" was all hanging below the hem of his too-short shorts, sitting or standing or walking. Not a very appetizing sight, to be sure!

Sixty Something said...

These days, we see too much of a lot of folks...often, it's womens' "parts," hanging out of their tops, or peeking out from too-low jeans or too-short shorts. Then, of course, there's the traditional backside revelation of men whose t-shirts and jeans separate. But I don't remember ever being treated to so MUCH southern exposure as happened Monday. lol