Sunday, August 10, 2008

At Last...Rain!

The parched lawn and gardens are finally getting a drink of water. We awoke to rain this morning, after a long, dry, and oppressively hot spell. The temperature has moderated, too, which is a welcome relief.

We were late rising again this morning, and I skipped exercising. After breakfast, Hubbie retrieved the Sunday newspaper from the driveway. In reading it, he discovered that a few of the photos I'd submitted from the county fair are featured.

Mother came over and we relaxed with the newspaper, and listened to music CDs for the rest of the morning and until after lunch. Today, I chose three CDs...Sting's "Songs From the Labyrinth," which is music from the Elizabethan era, Kenny G's "Breathless," and Yanni's "Snowfall."

Later, Hubbie and I went to the worldwide discount chain store to shop for groceries for this week's menus. We wouldn't have bothered going today, except, as they say here in the south, we didn't have a stick of bread in the house, and Hubbie eats bread with nearly every meal. I would have thought Sunday would be a slow day at that store, but folks were out in force.

Back home, we did nothing for the rest of day besides napping and vegging in front of the TV.