Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, Dec. 3

We got up at 6:30 a.m. this morning, so I wouldn't have to rush to get ready for water aerobics. I like to get to the pool about 30 minutes ahead of the aerobics class, so I can swim in the deep end. But lately, thanks to heavy traffic on the highway in front of our house, I'd been having trouble getting out of our driveway, and then there was a long line at the four-way stop down the road. So by the time I got into the pool, it was already 8:15, with aerobics starting at 8:30.

This morning, I got to the pool early and was happily swimming by 8 a.m. Before going to the pool, I accompanied another aerobics member (also a heart attack survivor) to the exercise room upstairs to check out the equipment. We think we might be able to use the exercise bikes, steppers, weight benches, etc., on alternate days, with permission from the head coach.

Our usual leader was absent today, so the alternate led us in aerobics. Later, in the dressing room, I was asked if I'd be willing to lead the group next Monday and Tuesday, if the second alternate could not be there. I agreed to do it, but I figure I won't have to, because the second alternate, a former swim coach, really, really likes leading the class, so I expect she'll bend over backwards to be there.

Back home, after I got ready for the day, Hubbie and I put strands of colored lights on the 7-foot tree in the sun room. At least, we put on all we had that would work, which wasn't enough. So, after lunch, we went to the WDCS to get three more strands. Since we were out, we stopped by a grocery store for an 88-cent head of lettuce to have with our leftover lasagna supper.

From there, we went by the bank, and then to the WDCS, where we shopped for groceries and incidentals, besides getting strands of lights. Then we went to the everything's a dollar store, where Hubbie picked up extension cords, because he forgot to get them at the WDCS. I also got several boxes of low-fat, low-sodium snack crackers, and two big, clear, plastic bowls to hold fruited popcorn (to use as a gift for the Cardiac Rehab staff, and as my contribution to our arts council 20th anniversary celebration during the Second Friday events downtown next week).

Back home, Hubbie and I finished putting the lights on the tree, as well as strands of wooden cranberries. When we were finished, I noticed that the multi-colored, lighted star on top was askew. So, Hubbie climbed on the step stool and tried to straighten it, but had trouble with it.

"How is the star attached to the tree," I asked, innocently. Whereupon, frustrated Hubbie snatched the star off the tree, causing the clip that held it to snap off the tree and fall down, down, through the tree limbs.

Of course, the clip is green, so we were unable to see it on the green limbs, even with a flashlight. So, Hubbie retrieved an inoperable star from a couple of year ago, and used its attachment to mount the current star back on the tree. Most people would throw away an inoperable Christmas star, but I guess it was a good thing pack-rat Hubbie kept that one. Not only had he kept it, but he had kept it neatly packed in its original box.

By the time we'd finished squaring away the lights, the star, and the cranberry garlands, it was too dark in the sun room to put ornaments on the tree, so that job will have to wait until tomorrow.

Maybe by the end of the week, we'll finally get all the Christmas decorating done.

This evening, we watched our favorite college basketball team play to a wide-margin win.