Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, May 24

We were up by 7:30 this morning, though we had nothing special scheduled. I didn't rest well last night, so I didn't feel very energetic today, and of course I'm still coughing, sneezing and blowing, so I didn't get on the treadmill.

We spent a lot of the day resting and reading the Sunday newspaper and our novels on this very rainy day. Mother came over mid-morning and joined us in our do-nothing day. For lunch, we tried a new no-salt recipe for pork chops that was very good, served with baked sweet potatoes, and no-salt canned whole kernel corn.

Mother went home shortly after lunch, and Hubbie and I continued reading our novels. Later, we had leftover chicken noodle soup for supper, and bowls of canned pears with sliced bananas. Then we watched the movie "Deja Vu, " starring Denzel Washington and rated PG-13. This is a time travel movie, where Washington's character goes back in time to solve the case of the bombing of a ferry, which leads him to fall in love with a beautiful suspect that died near the scene.

I really hope I'll feel better by tomorrow, because there's a lot that I need to do to get ready for the trip Wednesday. Predictions call for no rain next weekend when we expect a lot of family for an outdoor picnic at the campground Saturday. I hope the meteorologists are right.