Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, May 3

We were up by 7:30 this cool and rainy morning, and after breakfast, I exercised on the treadmill. Later in the morning, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS to shop for groceries to satisfy this week's menu, and to pick up a deli chicken for lunch. While we were gone, Mother finished working the jigsaw puzzle.

We had the chicken with leftover steamed veggies. Dessert was angel food cake with fresh strawberries...yum! For dinner music, we listened to "Lark in the Twilight," a CD of folk music played on dulcimer, guitar, violin, and various percussion instruments. The CD is the one I bought for fifty cents at the yard sale yesterday. It's very nice, and we enjoyed it.

After lunch, Hubbie and I watched two more episodes of "Little Dorrit." At 3:30, Mother came over, and we went to the museum to hear two older gentlemen...retired businessmen of the about fishing in the area. They had agreed 40 years ago to try to fish every river, stream and lake within 50 miles before they died. But today, they admitted that there is no possible way for them to do this, since there are so many more still remaining after all these years.

They told several humorous fishing tales, but the remarks by one of them about how plentiful fish were in the local river before construction of the dams was disturbing as another reminder of how we are, in the name of progress, destroying our environment.

Back home, we resumed watching "Little Dorrit." There are five episodes of this PBS Masterpiece presentation, and we watched the last of them tonight.