Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 10

We were up about 7:30 this morning, and after breakfast, I did my usual treadmill and weight exercises. After getting ready for the day, I devised season pass tickets, compliments of the community theater, to be used at a silent auction fundraiser for the arts council. The event is scheduled for later this month. Then I searched for and printed a photo that I will hand tint as my contribution to the silent auction.

Those two tasks took most of the morning. After lunch, Mother came over. She is still coughing, but says she feels stronger today. She insisted on preparing chicken in the slow cooker for our supper. She said she has to keep moving to keep from losing all her strength, but she did sit and relax once the chicken was cooking. I'm watchful of her to make sure she doesn't overdo it.

Hubbie spent the afternoon working in the yard. I toured the yard with him right after lunch. The lilies, in a variety of pretty colors, are in full bloom. After I came back indoors, I spent quite a bit of time catching up my blogs.

The well-seasoned chicken, cooked with onions, bell peppers, garlic, and various spices, along with potatoes, was delicious, served with butter beans for Hubbie and me, and Lima beans for Mother.

This evening, we watched TV, as usual. It's also business as usual at the eagle's nest. The mother is spending more time away from the nest, it seems. The baby was alone tonight, as he was last night when I checked.


Ann crum said...

I'm glad Mom is feeling better. Looks like you all had a lovely camping trip. Those photos from the gardens have inspired me!

Sixty Something said...

Yes, the woman who created the garden used all sorts of "found objects" in neat ways to fashion whimsical spots in her yard. It was all very pleasing. I know you have a knack for creating similar yard art.