Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 4

Started the day with a treadmill session and resistance exercises this morning, and then I got ready to go down to the college, which is less than five minutes from our house, to shoot photos of kids making puppets.

The puppet making workshop is sponsored by the arts council, and will continue all week. On Monday, the kids wrote a script for the puppets, and then drew pictures of the characters in the skit. Today, they fashioned the puppets from blocks of soft foam, fabric, and various elements like nuts, buttons, beads, etc., based on their drawings.

I arrived at the workshop around 10 a.m. to photograph the kids as they worked. This morning, kids ages 5 to 8 years old attended. I stayed about 45 minutes, and then came home to upload the pictures to my computer.

After a grilled cheese sandwich lunch, I returned to the college to photograph middle school age kids in the same activity. Again, I stayed about 45 minutes. I'll return to the workshop tomorrow to photograph the kids making props for their puppet show, which will be Friday. If nothing comes up, I'll try to be there that day to see the performances.

Well, the e-mail replication glitch from the dance instructor was not solved as of this morning. There were over 250 e-mails from her on the computer upstairs, and on my laptop when I checked. So after I'd deleted those, I put a block on her address, which stopped them from coming to my in-boxes. But they still went to the delete folders. About 400 of them went to the folders, and they kept coming until around 4 p.m. I checked to see how many folks she sent this e-mail to and counted 350 people. Wow! She must have ticked off a lot of people.

A piece of good news, today...our insurance will cover the total cost of the slide-out repairs on the camper, which, in the final analysis, is estimated to add up to $4100! Whew. Thank you, insurance company.

Another invitation came by e-mail today (only one this time)...the Caring Hands Hospice coordinator invited Mother and me to a Pampered Chef luncheon on Thursday. Nothing else is on the calendar, so I guess we'll go.

After a supper of meatloaf, baked potatoes, and green beans, Hubbie and I read our novels for a while, and then watched the movie, "No Country for Old Men," recorded on DVR. This film is rated "R" mainly for violence, and some language. It stars Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones, among others. It's a gripping action-thriller about a guy who, while out hunting, finds several trucks with human bodies and dogs strewn around them. One of the vehicles contains heroin and two million dollars. The guy takes it...and then is pursued by a psychopathic killer who has implanted a tracking device in the money.