Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, September 20

Had a hard time falling asleep last night. Don't know why...maybe because we went directly to bed at midnight, after watching a three-hour football game. I thought no more about the game after going to bed, but my mind keep reviewing other activities of the day. It was nearly 3 a.m. before I drifted off.

So it was nearly 9 a.m. before I got up this morning. I skipped my exercises and just went ahead and got dressed. Mother came over shortly after we were up and started a pot of what's called autumn stew, from a recipe I cut out of last week's Sunday newspaper Parade Magazine. The recipe calls for cubed pork loin, carrots, onions, celery, tomatoes, and apples, with various spices, and the addition of a can of beer. This is served over noodles. It's delicious.

While she was doing that, I decorated the mantel for fall. There's still more decorating to do, but I'll wait until we get back from our trip this week to do it.

This afternoon, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for groceries related to the upcoming camping trip. When we got back, we began loading food into the camper refrigerator and cabinets. As we were doing this, we noticed a yard sale going on across the street, so we went to check it out. But there was nothing there of use to us.

After that, we watched a movie..."Cellular," starring Kim Basinger, and William H. Macy, which is about a woman being held captive who manages to dial the cell phone of a young man (Chris Evans). The young man goes through all sorts of adventures in his quest to save the woman. The movie is rated PG-13.

Otherwise, on this sunshiny, but very humid day, I did my usual Sunday stuff, like programming the DVR for the week's shows, and reading the Sunday newspaper. For supper, I fixed egg substitute, scrambled with onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pepper Jack cheese. We had this with toast, followed by dishes of canned peaches topped with cottage cheese.

Later, we watched a couple of more movies. The first one was "The Attic." It was rated TV-14 off the Chiller channel, but was originally rated "R" for language and violence. A family moves into a beautiful home, and soon the college-age daughter begins to see what she believes to be her evil twin. The twin wreaks havoc, but no one else believes she exists. A suspenseful movie with a predictable twist.

The second movie was "Mending Fences," from the Hallmark Channel. This one stars Angie Dickinson as an aging woman whose ranch is being threatened when developers divert water from her property to force her to sell out so a casino can be built there. In the meantime, she and her daughter and granddaughter (who have come home from the big city), iron out relationship problems.