Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1

September. Already. Where did summer go? Today has been cool...almost fall-like, and while I like cool autumn weather, fall means winter is just around the corner. I'm not a fan of winter, when I can't seem to get warm, no matter how many layers of clothes I put on.

Started this morning with a treadmill session, since I feel back to normal now. Once I was ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands...to the art gallery to take a copy of the newspaper that my photos of the puppet workshop appeared in, to the WDCS for a few items, and to a farm supply store, where Hubbie looked for, but didn't find, a part that he needed.

After lunch, Mother came over, and we worked on greeting cards and scrapbook pages until supper time. Supper was leftover pinto beans and potatoes, with grape tomatoes on the side.

Later, we spent some time with Shih Tzu enjoying the yard on this late summer evening. Around 7 p.m., a guy came to measure the sliding door to the sun room. Once the new unit is ordered, it'll be about two weeks before the store gets it, which means it'll be the last of the month before it can be installed.

Tonight, we watched a Hallmark movie, "For the Love of Grace." A widower fireman, still mourning his wife, saves a woman writer from a fire in her apartment. The woman decides to write a fireman's cookbook, and in the process...well, it's not hard to guess what happens, since it's a love story.