Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 24

Slept late, and then did a treadmill session and weights exercises. After that, I went online to one of our capital city's TV stations to see if I could access the video of last night's episode of "Dancing with the Stars." To do so, I needed to download a plug-in, which I did. I didn't watch the show immediately, however, since I needed to get ready for the day and run errands before lunch.

While I was getting ready, Hubbie bathed Shih Tzu. She was still a little damp when we left to run errands, so I wrapped her in an afghan we bought especially for her, so she won't get chilled in the van on cool days. She chills easily now in her old age, and appears to be grateful for the warmth of the afghan.

The main reason for errands was to pick up a prescription for special eye drops for Mother to use a few days before her cataract surgery next week. But since we were out, we stopped by the WDCS for a few items.

Shortly after we got back, the pest control guy came to treat for mice, since we've seen evidence of them (yuk) while cleaning this week. I'm surprised we have mice with all the cats in the yard. Mother reasoned that the mice are avoiding the cats by hiding out in the house. It won't do. They've got to go.

After the pest control guy left, we finally settled down to watch "Dancing with the Stars." While we did this, we waited for a ham to finish baking in the oven, so it could be sliced for the refrigerator.

Got a call from the appliance store clerk today. She had no better luck than we did with the 800 number for repairs. She advised us that we'll need to take the TV and the remote to the store before next Wednesday, when a repairman will supposedly be available to check the unit and fix it, if it can be fixed. Nothing is ever simple or easy.

For supper, we had hamburger/turkey burger on whole wheat buns, with Parmesan cheese red potatoes, and whole kernel corn. Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I did the usual...watched TV, including tonight's final episode of "Dancing with the Stars." As usual, I was surprised by the outcome, though I know this is largely a popularity contest. It's fun to watch, anyway.