Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4

Got up early for water aerobics. It was a cold, sunny morning, with a tissue paper moon visible in the blue sky on the drive to the gym. I was hopeful the pool would be warm today, but no such luck. Again, only a dozen of us showed up for the session.

A John Grisham book that one of the ladies owns is making the rounds of water aerobics members, and today it was my turn to get it. I'm told that this volume of short stories is not up to Grisham's standards, and the lady who owns it said that it is vulgar in places, which is disappointing, if true. Hubbie and I will have to make our own judgement on that, once we've read it.

Back home after aerobics, I hurried to get ready for the day, so we could be at the doctor's clinic by 11:15 to get our H1N1 flu shots. We didn't have to wait long once we arrived before we were taken back for the vaccinations. That was the easiest shot I've ever had...I virtually didn't feel the needle at all! I wish it could be that easy for my little great-granddaughter, who is terrified of getting shots. Mother said she didn't feel the needle, either, though she felt the vaccine entering her arm, which stung a little, she said.

Afterward, we decided to go to a fast food store for containers of chili, which we brought home for lunch. I spent the afternoon, then, sending photos and recipes to the photojournalist who is doing a food article for the newspaper.

At 3:30, we decided to go to another town to have dinner at a favorite restaurant, after which we visited a local church's living nativity. This is a drive-through program that is very well done. From there, we drove around town looking at the Christmas light displays, including one at a local college, where this year there was also a small ice rink. Participants sort of shuffled on the ice rather than skated, though, and several lost their footing and fell.

We returned home around 8:30 p.m. I spent most of the rest of the evening talking on the phone with the photojournalist, who interviewed me about the graham cracker cookie Christmas house workshop.

Funny: in the other town, at the lighting display at the college, we had trouble finding a parking space, so Hubbie parked near the sidewalk on the turn-around...which is not really a parking area.

"Ikin youkin shekin wekin," Hubbie nervously blathered.

What?? Had Hubbie suddenly been struck with a foreign tongue?

"I'm trying to say I can stay in the van with your Mother while you walk around and take pictures," he explained.

Oh. Well, it wasn't necessary, since others were also parked along the turn-around. I was sure if we hurried through the display, no one would challenge where we parked. So we did.