Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 15

Another indication that spring must surely be on the horizon...this potted amaryllis in full, glorious bloom, lends happy color to the sunroom.
Up early, at 6:30 a.m., to get ready to go back to water aerobics, after being off for a week during the school's spring break. I sure had to drag myself out of bed, since it was still dark, thanks to Daylight Savings Time.
I enjoyed the pool, though, once I was in it. Fifteen of us showed up today, including one lady who recounted the story of a fall from her attic to her garage floor. She broke her fall somewhat by grabbing onto a step on the way down, but still hit hard enough to cause a compression fracture in her back. She's been in physical therapy for a while, and this was her first day back at the pool in several weeks.
Another member, who has not been to the pool in a few months due to shoulder surgery, is now recuperating from blood clots that traveled from her leg to her lungs. The story is that as she was walking into a restaurant recently, she suddenly couldn't breathe, and then she collapsed in a faint. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance, where she was administered blood thinners.
While I was at the pool, Hubbie went to the home of a Master Gardener to dig more plants for the fundraising sale. I learned that this year, instead of the sale being in May, as it usually is, it is scheduled for April 24, with the Thursday and Friday preceding it as work days. Well, that's the same week I have scheduled a photography residency at a local school. When I penciled the residency on the calendar, there was nothing conflicting with it...because Hubbie had forgotten to record the plant sale. So now, he'll have to miss the work days in order to assist me at the school.
Mother came over after I was ready for the day, and we began gathering materials needed for a scrapbook club meeting on Thursday. Then I called the club members, and made a beauty shop appointment for me for next week.
By then it was lunch time. We settled for PB&J sandwiches. After lunch, we finished the task of gathering stuff for a scrapbook club meeting, and I took pictures of the amaryllis above. Otherwise, we each occupied ourselves in various, unimportant things.
Supper tonight was lasagna, with French style green beans, and cottage cheese on the side. Afterward, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I decided to go to a movie to see, "Shutter Island," starring Leonardo DiCaprio. If you watch the previews to this movie, you might think it is a horror film. But it is actually a suspense. About halfway through the movie, I figured the whole thing out, but it was still good. A U.S. Marshall goes to an island for the criminally insane, and then is cut off from the mainland by a horrific storm. The Marshall is looking for a missing patient, but the staff thwart his efforts at every turn.
There were six of us in the cool theater tonight. It wasn't as cold as the last time we were there, but it was cool enough for me to wear warm clothes and a coat.