Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, March 16

Overslept again this morning...didn't get up until 8:30. Obviously, it's going to take a while to get used to the time change.

After a treadmill session and resistance exercises and getting ready for the day, it was already 10:30 a.m. Mother's and my friend called while I was exercising, and invited us to visit at her house this afternoon. Our other friend from a town about an hour and half from here is in our town for a couple of days, and when she is here, we four like to get together for a couple of hours of gab-fest.

Mother spent part of her morning making a greeting card, while I checked e-mail and did other things on the computer, including writing yesterday's blog, since I didn't have time to do it after we got back from the movie last night.

At 11 a.m., Hubbie met a dental appointment. When he came home at noon, the news from his dentist was not good...seems several of his front teeth have thinned to the point of breaking, requiring nearly $6,000 in crowns! Yikes.

After lunch, I made a batch of fruited Jell-o to have as a snack later in the evening. Around 2:30, we headed to our friend's house. Friend, as she always does, served refreshments...today it was a choice of coffecake and chocolate chip cookies, and coffee flavored with mocha creamer. She served the coffee in cute little China mugs in various delicate designs. We visited until about 4:30.

Back home, we heated the beans and ham, oven fried potatoes, greens, and cornbread for supper. Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I watched TV. We started with the movie, "The Derby Stallion," a PG film starring Zac Effrons, Bill Cobbs, Crystal Hunts, and William R. Moses. A young country boy wants to be a steeplechase jockey. He is befriended by an older African-American man, who rode in his youth, but in later life became a reclusive alcoholic. The man buys a race horse, with the intention of training the boy to ride him.

Then we watched a state college basketball team play in the NCAA tournament. This is the first time this college has gone to the NCAA, and they won! Yay! We'll look forward to seeing them play again Friday.