Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday, April 24

Wow, what a day! We were up around 6 a.m., so Hubbie could get ready to go to a Master Gardener plant sale at 7:30, where he was scheduled to be on duty. There was a thunderstorm with drenching rain shortly before he left the house, but it eased around 8 a.m.

Mother and I took advantage of the break in the rain to go to the sale. We picked up a variety of plants. Mother bought herbs and coleus, and I bought several tomato plants with interesting names...Mexico, Striped German, Hillbilly, Early Wonder, First Prize, Bella Rosa, Giant Belgium, and Aunt Ruby Green. The MG who was selling the plants is experimenting with trying out new varieties, and he described each one to me. It'll be fun seeing if they succeed in our garden.

When we left there, we went to a coffeehouse to use coupons from Caring Hands Hospice. The coupons were buy-one-get-one-free. Mother ordered cafe au lait with caramel, and I ordered mocha coffee. We got them "to go" and took them to the fairgrounds, so I could give one to Hubbie. Mother and I enjoyed two of them, and we brought the other one home for Mother to enjoy later this evening.

After that, we went to a clothing and gift shop to see if we could use a 20% off coupon. The shop was closed. So we came back home. We weren't here long before another thunderstorm cropped up. Naturally, Shih Tzu had to to go out just then, so I got wet and so did she.

I towel dried us both when we came back inside, and then Mother and I planned next week's menu. While we were doing this, Hubbie called to say he would be staying at the fairgrounds until 1 p.m. He joined the other MG's in having pizza for lunch. I didn't mention to him that we were having bagel pizzas for supper.

Mother and I had leftover chicken noodle soup for lunch, and then we planned next week's menu.

When Hubbie came home, he said there was a lower turnout at the plant sale this year, thanks to the weather. So one of the MGs has agreed to hold a plant sale in her yard next weekend in hopes of selling more of the many leftover plants. But guess what, rain is predicted again for next weekend!

Soon after Hubbie got home, we ran the pharmacy, and to the WDCS for groceries. We were back home about 3:30. I decided to call our favorite computer store to see if I could get another laptop cooler, because the one I have is making strange, loud noises like it is about to die. Unfortunately, the computer store was closed. So I'll have to live with my old cooler until at least Monday.

Mother and I enjoyed the bagel pizzas and salad for supper. Hubbie dutifully ate his, but probably would have preferred something else. Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I watched the movie, "W." This 2008 movie, rated PG-13, stars Josh Brolin. It follows George W. Bush's ascendancy to the presidency, moving back and forth between his rather wild youth , and his first term in White House leading up to the Iraq war.