Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, April 18

Slept late this morning, til 8 a.m., then did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. Mother came over while I was doing that and put a pork roast and veggies in the slow cooker. And Hubbie loaded the photography paraphernalia into the van.

Once I was ready for the day, I threw a load of laundry into the washer, and then, because the DVR is getting full, we watched the animated feature, "Shark Tales," with the voices of Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Peter Falk, and others. The characters learn lessons, like: accept others for what they are, not what you wish them to be, telling the truth is always best, and happiness can be found in your own backyard.

Later, Hubbie peeled potatoes, and I mashed them after they were cooked. We enjoyed our "community effort" lunch of roast with carrots and onions, potatoes and gravy, and individual cups of applesauce.

Mother went home after lunch, and Hubbie and I watched a few episodes of "Life," a nature series narrated by Oprah Winfrey from the Discovery Channel. Today's features were on birds, insects, and ocean life.

A little after 2 p.m., Mother came over, and we went to the college for a community concert. All ages, from junior high school students to senior citizens, make up the orchestra. The selections included, "Triumphal March from Aida," and a medley from "The Empire Strikes Back." There were a few bloopers and off notes, but overall it was fine, and it was a glorious spring afternoon for an outing. The concert lasted about an hour, and we were back home about 3:30.

I mixed more photography chemicals for the session this week, and then Hubbie and I fixed ourselves a supper of whole wheat pancakes (the pancakes were already cooked and in the freezer...just needed heating in the oven). For dessert, we shared an orange and prunes. Cups of decaf coffee completed the meal.

Later, we watched the movie, "Eye for and Eye," a 1996 R-rated film starring Sally Field, Ed Harris, and Kiefer Sutherland. A mother goes from depression to paranoia to obsession following the rape and murder of her teenage daughter. Her obsession takes a toll on her marriage. When the killer threatens her younger daughter after being released on a technicality, she decides to exert her own brand of justice.

The second feature we saw was, "The Air I Breathe," a 2007 film starring Forest Whitaker, Brendan Fraser, Andy Garcia, and Kevin Bacon. Rated "R" for violence, lots of language, partial nudity. The lives of four very different people are oddly intertwined. Suspense with twists.