Monday, June 14, 2010

Camping Trip, Thursday, June 10

Left town around 9:30 a.m., heading about two hours south to a campground for the weekend. It was cloudy and cooler, but predictions were for extreme heat. Wildflowers...Queen Anne's lace, Black eyed Susans, orange Butterfly Weed, orange Daylilies, purple Coneflowers, Cowbane, Trumpet Vine, thistle, and pink and white Evening Primrose, as well as cattails, grow in abundance along the shoulders of the highways. The white blossoms on Magnolia Trees were fading even as Mimosa Trees were showy with pink flowers. Crepe Myrtle bushes, too, were showing signs of wear, but various colors of flowers still tipped long branches, reminding me of bursting fireworks.

A strange sight: a canine that we all agreed must be a wolf/dog mix loped onto the highway, followed by a dog. The wolf-dog was mottled gray, with slanted eyes, and a long face. Wild looking, but it probably was tame.

We arrived at the campground around noon, and after lunch Hubbie and I headed to town to shop. At a clothing store, I found a periwinkle blue hoodie jacket for $5.89. At a craft store, I picked up several stamps, marked 40% off. At a beauty supply store, I bought two cans of a hairspray that Mother particularly likes.

At a discount store, I got a $3 DVD titled "Food, Inc." This is a 2009 documentary that "criticizes American food corporations engaged in industrialized food production." The documentary was shown at our local filmfest a couple of years ago, but I missed it. I also missed a showing of it on the public TV channel.

From that store, we stopped at a roadside vendor to get fresh blackberries. Our last stop was the WDCS for several food items, including ice cream to have with the blackberries.

We got back to camp at 5 p.m. Sis was there visiting with Mother. Mother had put our supper in microwave bowls, and I began heating the dishes, and preparing other things for the meal. We had leftover pork roast with veggies, potatoes, sliced tomatoes, and sourdough bread.

It began raining, but Sis stayed around for a few games of Skipbo. She won three games and I won two. We had a snack of ice cream and blackberries (Sis, who is lactose intolerant, had vanilla yogurt) before Sis went home.

It continued to rain all night long.