Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, June 7

Had trouble going to sleep last night. Last looked at the clock at 1:30 a.m. I was really hoping to get my eight hours, since I had to get up at 6:30 to get ready for water aerobics.

This was the first day back at the pool in several weeks. The water felt great, and I welcomed the workout. It was nice visiting with the other ladies, too.

Funny: during the aerobics session, a lady standing near me asked, "coundadus?"

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"Coundadus?" she repeated.

I was completely baffled. What was this strange word...coundadus? I'd never heard it before. "I'm sorry," I apologized, "I don't know what you mean."

"" she slowly pronounced.

"OH!" I laughed. She wanted to know if I'd counted how many of us were attending aerobics. "No," I said. "I was waiting for you to do that."

She did. There were twenty-one.

Didn't have time to do much before lunch after I got back home. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran the bank, to the pharmacy/grocery store, to the hydroponic farm for tomatoes, to a roadside vendor for cantaloupe, to a gas station, and to the other discount store.

I was disappointed to learn that the hydroponic store will close for the summer after this coming Thursday. They will open again sometime in the fall, but only for one day a week instead of every weekday. That being the case, I picked up enough tomatoes for this week and next, so we'll have some for Hubbie's birthday party on June 17. I'm anxious now for our garden tomatoes to come in.

Back home, Mother and I made a few greeting cards, before preparing a supper of leftover baked beans and sweet potatoes (from the freezer), sauteed steak strips with peppers and onions, and mixed veggies (from last night's supper), and macaroni and cheese. While at the grocery store, I picked up an on-sale loaf of sourdough bread, so we had slices of that for supper, too.

Mother went home after that, and Hubbie and I did the usual...watched TV. Tonight, we saw an episode of "Lark Rise to Candleford," and a Miss Marple mystery, both from the public channel.