Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 30

The last day of June already. Where did the month go? Of course, I'm not sorry to see it end, since it was one of the hottest Junes on record for our state. Today, though, has been absolutely glorious in our corner of the world...lower temp and lower humidity. But there is a burn ban in our county, thanks to a lack of rain.

Got up at 6:30 to go to water aerobics. It was pleasantly cool walking from the parking lot to the gym and back again after aerobics. Not as many showed up for aerobics, given the very nice day. Maybe that's why they didn't show up. They might have decided to spend the cool of the morning working in their yards, or something.

Tale from the pool: the lady I stand next to during the session has a grandson who is a paramedic in Memphis. He recently had the new experience of resuscitating cats following a fire in their owner's home. Apparently, there is an animal oxygen mask in the ambulance, and this was the first time it was needed, so it was big news on a Memphis TV station, and at a Memphis newspaper. I went online to the Memphis TV station that carried the video story and learned that five cats and one dog were saved with the oxygen mask, but fourteen cats died. The owners had 22 cats and a dog in their house.

I then checked the story at the Memphis newspaper site, and printed a copy for my friend. Unfortuately, I was unable to print the accompanying photo, because of copyright protection. Several paramedics were shown in the photo, but I don't know if any of them was my friend's grandson.

My friend, who is 81 years old, and is a world traveler, does not own a computer. So I called her to see if she could access a computer at a nearby friend's house. She said she thought she could. I told her there was a good photo in the Memphis newspaper, but since I don't know what her grandson looks like, I didn't know if he was featured. She said, "I'm not bragging, but he's a good looking man, with dark hair and eyes." One of the men in the photo does have dark hair, I noticed.

Back home, while Hubbie ran errands to fill the truck with diesel and pick up cat and dog food, I gathered what I needed to mix photographic chemicals this afternoon, and checked to make sure I have enough pinhole camera paper cut, for a workshop I'll conduct in the Capital City next week.

Mother was ready to come over to our house around 11 a.m., so I accompanied her. After a chicken noodle soup lunch, I mixed the photographic chemicals, and then Hubbie and I ran a few more the jewelry store to pick up a bracelet that needed repairing, to the bank, to a grocery store to get the microwaveable potatoes that I couldn't get at the WDCS yesterday, and to the other discount store for a few items.

At home again, I didn't do much else before suppertime. Had leftover roast beef and veggies, with gravy, plus sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, and radishes. It was just as yummy the second time around.

Mother ate small helpings of everything, but her appetite is still not up to par. She's still suffering from swollen ankles and feet, too, though not quite as much, since she took half a dose of her water pill this morning. From time-to-time today, she got up and walked around the house for exercise, but this evening she complained of sore muscles. She attributed it to too much exercise. I attribute it to a lack of exercise.

Later, Hubbie and I watched TV....the PBS shows, "Lark Rise to Candleford," and a Miss Marple mystery.