Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday, July 1, and Friday, July 2

Today is Nephew's twelfth birthday. Happy Birthday, Nephew! Nephew called me today, and I was so happy to hear from him. He and his family are planning to visit us on July 17, and we are really looking forward to it.

Yesterday, Daughter, Sis, and Older Nephew arrived after lunch to visit with Mother. Older Nephew headed back home after supper, but Sis and Daughter stayed the night.

We had a good day yesterday, even though we didn't do anything but relax and visit all afternoon. Later, we enjoyed a supper of beef hash, a choice of butter beans and Lima beans, salad, cottage cheese, and slices of sourdough bread. Dessert choices were cantaloupe or ice cream.

This morning, Daughter accompanied me to water aerobics, where she enjoyed herself immensely. The ladies were happy to meet her, and invited her to come back when she could. The water was cool when we first got in, but felt wonderful once we were in it for a few minutes. Some of the ladies wore patriotic hats and costume jewelry in recognition of Independence Day this weekend.

Back home, after a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches (Hubbie did the honors of making them for us), Daughter was ready to leave for home. But she discovered her cell phone wasn't working correctly. So I drove her to the cell phone store, where we learned that when she charges her phone, she'll get a reconnect message, and she should just push the center button to reactivate her phone.

Daughter left a little after 1 p.m., and Sis stayed on for the afternoon and visited with Mother while Hubbie and I packed things into the camper and van, and then ran to the grocery store again for last-minute items.

Back home Hubbie and I gathered up the mama cat and the kittens with eye problems and took them to be boarded at the vet's office. The vet was discouraged by the two kittens who have the worst eye problems and said he didn't think they would make it. Nevertheless, he is going to treat them while we are gone to see if he can help their eyes. I asked if they would be okay if kept in the house, and he agreed they might be able to survive that way. I just can't face the idea of him putting those two sweet things down.

Back home, Hubbie fed Shih Tzu and walker her, and then we went to a catfish restaurant for supper. I skipped eating the deep fried hush puppies, the over-salted beans, and the tomato pickles, and I ordered grilled catfish with no salt, and a baked potato. Mother ate half of her baked potato and one piece of fried fish, plus a little coleslaw and a hush puppy. This was a pretty fair quantity of food for her, especially since she ate nearly all of her grilled cheese sandwich at noon. This is an encouraging sign. But her legs and feet are still very swollen, and she is having difficulty walking.

Sis headed home from the restaurant. Mother was ready to go her house, too, after she had read the evening newspaper. Hubbie occupied himself with several tasks related to our trip, but I didn't do much except play on my computer and watch TV.

What beautiful weather we are having...low temp, low humidity. I wish it would continue into next week, when we'll need to be outdoors during a photography workshop with kids. But TV forecasters say we'll be getting back into the summer mode after July 4.