Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday, July 10

Up by 6:30 this morning to get ready to head home. We were on the road by 9 a.m. and back home by around 11 a.m.

Got enough food out of the camper to have lunch, and then Hubbie and I went out to the vet's clinic to pick up the mama cat and kittens. The vet had treated the eyes of the two kittens with problems, and they are much better now. The vet's assistant said she wanted one of the cats...either the mama or the black kitten (we could choose). I gave her the black kitten, because he's so rambunctious and keeps annoying the other two kittens. Also the mama cat is so used to our place, I don't think she'd be happy in another home now.

When we brought the cats home, it was obvious the other cats were glad to see the mama, because they rubbed against her and licked her in greeting.

Now it was time for the long task of unloading the camper, washing clothes, and otherwise getting organized again. Yesterday was an overcast, pleasant day, but today has been really humid-muggy, so carrying things in from the camper was a sweaty job.

We were so hot that I made a big container of lemonade, and we each downed two ice cold glasses of it. Very cooling.

Supper tonight was "the week in review"...leftovers from several past meals. After that, Hubbie and I watched TV.