Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12

Up at 7 a.m. and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. While I was on the treadmill, Hubbie bathed Shih Tzu.

Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day and fixed egg salad and tuna salad.

Around 9:30, Hubbie went to a Master Gardener meeting, which lasted until about 11:30. While he was gone, Mother and I did things related to an upcoming trip. I also gathered scrapbooking materials for doing pages about the recent 50-year high school graduation reunion. Our school colors were purple and gold, and luckily, I have enough cardstock in those colors.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran the other discount store, to the WDCS, and to a grocery store.

At the WDCS, we met Mother's and my friend who came to our town Tuesday to visit with our other friend. We spent a long time visiting with her. She said her husband will retire as a newspaper editor next year and is planning to write a book about unsolved murders in their area. He has a vested interest in the subject, since his sister was murdered in the 1970s, and though he and others know who did it, there was no evidence to prosecute the guy. He dumped the body in the woods, where hunters later discovered it. She was in her twenties at the time, with children. She was separated or divorced from her husband, but was seeing and became pregnant by a married law enforcement officer.

At home, at suppertime, Mother cut up and sauteed baked potatoes, while I put together Ziplock bag omelets. We had this with toast. Mother ate only half of her omelet and took the rest home to have for her breakfast in the morning.

Later, Hubbie and I watched the horror flick, "Quarantine," an R-rated, 2008 movie starring Jennifer Carpenter. The film was made on the order of "The Blair Witch Project," like a documentary viewed from the perspective of the cameraman.

A TV reporter is on assignment covering a local fire department. They are called out to an emergency at an apartment building, where they break down a door, and are confronted by a bloody, crazed woman. Others in the building exhibit similar symptoms, which includes cannibalism. The government seals off the apartment, and the TV folks and the firemen are quarantined (because of a supposed virus that's causing the cannibalism).

Lots of camera jumpiness, screaming, a vicious barking dog, background sirens that go on and on, and blood. I guess the screaming and sirens replaced dramatic background music. Never heard a sound from the cameraman, though, who surely would have been as terrified as everyone else. His only response was to butt his camera lens into the head of one of the crazed cannibals. Caught myself laughing at this and some other ridiculous scenes.