Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, Sept. 8

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. It was a cloudy, humid morning, that created puffs of fog among the trees on the hill near the college. Very pretty.

Again, I had to park up the hill near the student center, but since it wasn't raining, it was no problem to trek down to the gym. The pool was cool, as usual, but 26 of us enjoyed it, including a new member.

Sadly today, we learned that our aerobic leader's sister died yesterday. Her sister was 85 years old and died of cancer. She was about 18 years older than the aerobics leader, who came to the pool today to conduct the session despite her loss. She engaged one of the alternate leaders to conduct the session on Friday, though.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, Mother came over. We didn't do much for the rest of the morning, except put a bunch of sweet potatoes in the oven. They were small potatoes, and we ate some them for lunch and put the rest in the freezer.

After lunch, I gathered materials for making a greeting card for Mother's and my friend, who lives in a town about an hour and a half east of us. The card uses quilled designs, but since it's been a while since I've done quilling, I had difficulty finding my papers and tools. I finally did, though, and began the project around 1 p.m. (see previous blog to view a photo of the card).

While I was doing this, Mother put together a dish of lasagna for supper, and Hubbie ran errands.

The lasagna, served with green beans, was very good. There's enough left for two more meals. Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I settled in front of TV. It's getting dark earlier. I miss the daylight stretching to 9 p.m. I always think I'll accomplish lots of indoor tasks when I can't go outside anymore, but instead all I want to do is hibernate.